Citizen Cope has been one of my top artists I've been wanting to see. But every time Cope was in Denver, I was either out of town or had prior engagements that kept me from seeing him. It was about time that mine and his calendar finally aligned this year. But of course, I completely forgot to purchase tickets and found out a couple of days before that the show had sold out. Desperate on the day of, I was on Craigslist, found tickets going for $75 or more... and then finally found someone who was willing to sell them for $40. He mentioned he was somehow connected to the band and that they actually give part of the proceeds to charity. Sold.
So even though I couldn't find anyone to come with me to the concert, I was still determined to see him. I mustered the energy and courage to go to the Ogden Theater, stand on the corner of Colfax (never thought I'd say that and mean it), by myself, still hoping to find someone on the street selling their ticket. Without luck, I finally called the person I had found on Craigslist.
Turns out, the guy I got in touch with was actually Cope's Manager. He ended up meeting me in the alley by the back door and ushering me through the backstage. How lucky was I? Whether is was by pure luck or the music gods were on my side, I was truly appreciative. [Thank you, Gary!] And the night even got better when I found out that a friend of mine, fellow Citizen Cope fan, was going to the concert, as well. So not only did I have I some good company, but I also got an opportunity to see his sold out show and stood amongst a crowded room to be captured by a gifted singer/songwriter, with an arresting voice and powerful lyrics, laced with raw emotions and pure honesty.
This week, Erykah Badu was in town and there was no way, no how I was going to miss her. As I was getting ready to purchase tickets for me and Dee, I came across Westword's entry for a concert prize package and entered my name in the slight chance I'd win. But for some [divine] reason, my internet connection decided to go on a fritz and I wasn't able to complete my transaction. Waiting one more day shouldn't hurt, right? Well, I'm sure glad I did because the very next day, I got a call from Westword and lo and behold, I won 2 free tickets to her show. Pure luck or it was just meant to be...
She was, and still is, absolutely amazing. A powerful lyricist with a soulful voice that always manages to hypnotize and move me, inside and out. Funky, jazzy and rhapsodic beats that make me sway back and forth, repeat lyrics that have become soundtracks of my life and evokes a sense of emotion that takes me from being melancholy to a lighthearted state... and ultimately, a complete sense of being lifted. That's what makes a musician great and in the same light, what's so great about music. How it has the power to move you, lift your spirits, soothe your soul, console you, encourage, heal and inspire you to be whatever it is you need to be at that given time. That's one good thing about music... when it hits you - you feel no pain.
This weekend, the music gods were on my side, once again. A friend, who I happened to run into at the Erykah Badu concert, offered to share 2 free tickets to the Westword Music Showcase. Daniel, a big thanks to you! Positive karma comes around in full circle.
Hope this lucky streak I've got going continues throughout the whole year and just maybe, if it isn't too much to ask, filters through other parts of my life. Badu said it best, and I share this at the risk of sounding completely emo, as she sung these lyrics over and over again... "Free your mind and find your way. There will be a brighter day, if you believe. Believe in you."
This weekend, the music gods were on my side, once again. A friend, who I happened to run into at the Erykah Badu concert, offered to share 2 free tickets to the Westword Music Showcase. Daniel, a big thanks to you! Positive karma comes around in full circle.
Hope this lucky streak I've got going continues throughout the whole year and just maybe, if it isn't too much to ask, filters through other parts of my life. Badu said it best, and I share this at the risk of sounding completely emo, as she sung these lyrics over and over again... "Free your mind and find your way. There will be a brighter day, if you believe. Believe in you."
. ar .