Thursday, October 29, 2009

oh the weather outside is frightful, but these sites are sure delightful

I have a love/hate relationship with Denver weather.  Love the fact that we get 300 days of sunshine; hate the fact that snow storms, in October nonetheless, covers us with anywhere from 4 - 14 feet of snow.  And my Mini, my poor Mini, just can't get past all this snow.  Granted our snow storms have been few and far between and by tomorrow, the sun will bless us with her warmth and melt all this snow away.

I made a valiant effort shoveling my driveway and trying to get my car to move, even just a few feet.  That was a major fail.  I was literally stuck in my car - high-centered with the driver's side door frozen shut. So instead of putting anymore wasted efforts into shoveling, I am putting my effort into something more productive.  Hence, the update.

First off, a delicious breakfast: Tomato with poached egg, smoked gouda, topped with arugula on a sourdough muffin.

And then to some web-surfing and came across these cool finds.  I am a sucker for packaging and catchy graphics.  Like a fly, I'm attracted to pretty, bright colors, bright lights, so... bright....

Changethethought is an awesome site for design and creative inspiration.

Idea journal with grids + lines @ Doane Paper

I want this lamp in a bad way...

Another great site is LikeCOOL that features funky, whimsical, unique products, designs, gadgets, etc.  I can spend hours on this site. Check out these paper shoes which are pretty bad ass, if you ask me.

And these moustache mugs by Peter Ibruegger.  I prefer the handlebars myself.

And how fresh are these iPod Boombox?! True retro ghetto blaster style, indeed.

And that's all the time I have for now.  I hear a conglomeration of men outside... time to bat my lashes and ask them nicely to shovel my car out of the snow.

Stay warm, all.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i heart: shoes

I heart shoes.

My first recollection of when I fell in love was when my Grandma took me to the Malacanang Palace in the Philippines, home of the infamous Imelda Marcos. We went on a guided tour of the palace and out of the whole experience, the only memory I have, till this day, was the vast display of her shoe collection. There were wall-to-wall, floor to ceiling displays of her beloved footwear collection. Perched so delicately on wooden shelves; perfectly lit under glowing lights. The whole room lit up and I thought to myself, one day, I will have a room dedicated to shoes.

Shoes complete an outfit. What you pair with the whole ensemble can make or break the look.  No one in their right mind (or fashion sense) would wear a pair of New Balance walking shoes with an A-line skirt.  Or clear-heeled stilettos (yes, that kind) with an elegant evening dress.  Or god forbid, Crocs with herringbone tweed trousers.  But it happens, tragically enough.

But it isn't purely based on a superficial or materialistic standpoint either.  I believe that what you wear on your feet tells a lot about the person - their personality, mood, interests - just as much as what they wear throughout the rest of their body.  It's another way to make a statement, showcase your individuality, communicate your style or maybe even the way you feel.  A pair of red stiletto heels speaks fire; a pair of sneakers with worn out rubber soles convey miles of travel.  The soles on your feet tell a story.  Some of adventure and of worldly excursions; some of pain and heartache; of happiness, success, failures and of love.  Each one of them; all different.

My bff came up with a rule when it comes to weeding out men, which I can agree with. When approached by a man, always look at his shoes.  If they just don't go (or make sense) with everything else he's wearing, then it's a deal-breaker, for sure.  Consistent and well-paired footwear is key.  It shows that he's made an effort to look nice and presentable from head to toe.  First impressions are the lasting ones, after all.  And shoes do definitely leave an imprint.

Not only do I admire beautiful shoes on people's feet, on store-fronts and racks, I also love photos of them.  I'll continue to post pictures of real-life accounts on what will be my Shoe Diaries but for now, I found these public images through Flickr.  Might I add that it's amazing how many public photos are available on that site. I promise to credit their rightful owners in the future, since I've lost track of these.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

dancing queen

There is no dance floor worthy enough of these heels.

[by Thakoon]

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

TAXI to Fashion :: Fall Fashion Market 2009

I found out about this event through the designer/founder of Buckley Omega who I also happen to work with.  I ran into him by the watercooler at work (how cliche) and sparked a conversation about his clothing line and past/upcoming shows.  I'm glad I did because not only did I get to finally see his apparel line, I also discovered new local clothing and jewelry designers.  I also got to meet Brandi Shigley, founder of Fashion Denver, a network for Denver local designers and an outlet for people to share their passion for fashion here in our very own Mile High City. Meeting Brandi was another burst of inspiration, in addition to all the talent I saw at the exhibit. 

I met Cindalena, a young jewelry designer who showcased her collection of fashionable jewelry. Such an attention to the finest detail with intricate lines and shapes in her designs.  I fell in love with this piece, Key to Happiness, but couldn't purchase it because of the silver necklace.  I am allergic to silver with nickel content so she agreed to work with me on various strand options.  I can't wait to see what she puts together!

Omerica Organic, a featured designer on Fashion Denver's site, serves a worthy concept and purpose - adopting sustainability and using wood as their main material for their products.  They actually weren't at the show but I wanted to highlight some of their products since their design caught my eye - the buckles and earrings are unique and a work of art.

The posts on these earrings are nickel-free sterling... perfect for my hyper-sensitive skin!

Boombox Buckle

So if you live in Denver and wish to support local designers and young entrepreneurs, please check out their websites.  Even if you don't live in Denver, check out their site anyway and show them some love.

And then for some eye candy....


the kick-off

Last weekend was the perfect weekend to get this blog off to a start.  There are many things in life to be grateful for and friends - quality, supportive, till-death-do-us-part type of friends - are one of the most important part of that.  Aside from family, that is.  But in my eyes, they are one in the same.  They fill my life with laughter, inspiration, support, color, lessons, strength and most importantly, love.  And last weekend was nothing but short of that.

We began on Friday night, an intimate dinner with my best of friends.  I introduce to you the ABCDS (B was MIA for the night).
A = Angela, B = Boo, C = Cathy, D = Dianne and S = Sunny.
Quite serendipitous, this friendship has turned out to be.

On the menu: Vietnamese crepes, Roasted Honey-glazed Peaches topped with Vanilla Greek Yogurt, Tres Leches and Waiting to Exhale.  Yes, a sappy way to end the night but a perfect way to get us all four girls, cuddled in C's bed.  Spoon train.

Saturday night : A "Girls" Night Out (plus two other "welcomed guests") that we haven't seen in ages.  Aldwin blessed us with his presence and coupled with his and Joseph's crazy antics, a night of laughter was guaranteed.  And of course, the ever so lovely Thuy with her two other "girls."  I am blessed with wonderful and beautiful people in my life.


 Sunday afternoon : Mine and C's day @ the Fall Fashion Market calls for a separate post.  More to come...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

here goes...

So I guess I'm back. To blogging that is.
Different address. Different theme. Different purpose. Same gal.

This blog was created in hopes to awaken the eternal artist within me. To ignite the creative fire that fuels me. To cultivate, nurture and embrace all things that I'm passionate about - family, friends, culture, arts, fashion, photography, music, shoes, food, dance, design, theater, literature, poetry and at the same time, to discover so much more. An intent to share a collective experience that'll encompass not just the aesthetics but also ones that go deeper than the surface, where it taps into the emotional and possibly personal side.

And on the same token, I wish to connect with others who share the same passion, the same fire, the same drive to experience life to its fullest. I hope to be inspired, humbled and moved. As much as I dream about what my life could be and the many things I'd like to do, I need to get back to pursuing and living how it can actually be. Hence, i.passionista is born.

Please be patient and stay tuned as I continue to post good finds, captivating images, random ramblings and musings of the inspirational, musical, lyrical, comical, motivational, whimsical and unconventional kinds.

And in the spirit of being inspired, I borrow words from one of the most spirited and passionate people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Thank you, Nicole.

Embrace possibility; live passionately.