Thursday, October 15, 2009

here goes...

So I guess I'm back. To blogging that is.
Different address. Different theme. Different purpose. Same gal.

This blog was created in hopes to awaken the eternal artist within me. To ignite the creative fire that fuels me. To cultivate, nurture and embrace all things that I'm passionate about - family, friends, culture, arts, fashion, photography, music, shoes, food, dance, design, theater, literature, poetry and at the same time, to discover so much more. An intent to share a collective experience that'll encompass not just the aesthetics but also ones that go deeper than the surface, where it taps into the emotional and possibly personal side.

And on the same token, I wish to connect with others who share the same passion, the same fire, the same drive to experience life to its fullest. I hope to be inspired, humbled and moved. As much as I dream about what my life could be and the many things I'd like to do, I need to get back to pursuing and living how it can actually be. Hence, i.passionista is born.

Please be patient and stay tuned as I continue to post good finds, captivating images, random ramblings and musings of the inspirational, musical, lyrical, comical, motivational, whimsical and unconventional kinds.

And in the spirit of being inspired, I borrow words from one of the most spirited and passionate people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Thank you, Nicole.

Embrace possibility; live passionately.

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