Wednesday, November 25, 2009

gobble, gobble

I am crazy about food and admittedly have a shameful/less love affair with anything sweet. If it has sugar, you name it, I eat it. And the holidays, in particular, bring out that monster in my belly that wants to gobble up anything I see.  It doesn't help that my family's appetite for exceptional cooking always brings out an impressive feast on the dining table.  And when I say exceptional, by that I mean my mother.  Without a doubt, it's her tasteful creations that takes up the centerpiece and makes everyone's mouths water and yearn for more.  This year, she has once again decided to tackle her infamous Turducken - a complex and time-consuming process that involves a delicate preparation of 3 different kinds of poultry.  A de-boned turkey stuffed with a de-boned duck which itself is stuffed with a de-boned chicken... and the gaps are then filled with her own concoction of a sweet, sticky wild rice with portobello mushrooms, sausage and cranberries stuffing.  Quite an undertaking, to say the least.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it. 

My contribution is, of course, something sweet.  I'm pretty set on making an Apple Crumble Crisp pie, in which I'm going to take elements from different recipes and bring them all into one.  Let's see how that one works...

I also want to make a second dessert item and luckily, I came across TasteSpotting's website via Shannon Eileen's blog.  It's tagline is, "a community driven visual potluck."  The site offers a plethora of recipes in various categories from different contributors, with delectable images to go along with it.  As a visual person, that is a plus for me as I like to know how it should look when I'm done.  It's a one-stop shop for recipe and entertaining needs. Out of the many recipes I perused through, I found these tasty delights so hopefully I can pick one by tomorrow...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Pumpkin Tart

Chocolate Peppermint Bars

Steamed Caramel Cake

Glutten-free Coconut Macaroons

Strawberry Tart with Dark Chocolate Creme Patiserrie

Chocolate Toffee Cinnamon Chips (cookies... always a crowd pleaser)

 :: via TasteSpotting ::

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